
Guitar solo from “Gli Arcobaleni di Altri Mondi – Intorno a Fabrizio De André (June 2022)
Night Moon – Official Video © 2021
Attese Disattese – Official Video © 2021
My personal point of view on Thelonious Monk’s music – more video on YTChannel
Live from the Room – more video on YTChannel
The Complete Haiku Series vol, 1 – more video on YTChannel
Live from the Room July 2020
Live from the Room – December 2020
Live @ Edera TV
Live from The Room – International Jazz Day 2020
Nick Drake – Official Video © 2017
Live from The Room – April 2020
Improvisation – around Faber (Jan. 2019)
Blue in Green (b. evans) Live with Attilio Zanchi